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An Essential Alliance

An American Tradition

U.S. Premium Beef includes producers from all segments of the American beef industry, including cow-calf producers, backgrounders, farmer-feeders and commercial cattle feeders. U.S. Premium Beef is comprised of over 1,850 cattle producing operations across the United States, and many of these are family-run businesses that have passed down their land from generation to generation. U.S. Premium Beef is an integral part of the history of American beef, and National Beef® is proud to be a longstanding partner.

America’s Leading Ranchers

National Beef’s industry leadership begins with our reliable supply of high-quality cattle, raised by ranchers, farmer-feeders, and suppliers dedicated to honoring their land’s rich legacy of cattle rearing. Watch the video and discover their stories.

“We’re part of an industry that’s striving to produce a high-quality product for a global customer”

– Amanda Blair
Sturgis, South Dakota, U.S.

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